Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

Hello everyone! Merry christmas! Since our family celebrates Christmas on the 24th, I can show you guys some pics! Two hawks goes first.
AND makiki
Wing feather loves his bags and necklace!

Merry christmas and tons of love for the jungleboy  foundation of st. Croix!!!!

Sorry I couldn't resist! It is a basket made by impoverished women in Swaziland, south africa, the place I want to live! Thank you mama!

Love crane song

Monday, December 15, 2014

Wing feathers gifts

Hey all! It is wonderful to be writing again! i don't want to be a spoiler( i am going to show you guys pics on the day before Christmas eve... that's our homemade gifts Christmas day or gifts from sisi day....) but i am going to show you guys a few of wing feathers gifts before Christmas day.

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His new wallet!

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His new Bandoilier bag! I wove the strap on my rigid heddle loom, i think i am in love!

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Close up on the strap.

I also want to share my new favorite breakfast recipe! I call it milky, wet, sweet cold oats. Yummmmmmyyyy! It is so much better than it sounds. Trust me. Then again, maybe I'm just nuts.

Okay mix a half cup rolled old fashiond oats, a tablespoon of sugar, and milk to cover. add spices and extracts to taste. Enjoy!

Love, crane song and the mini jbs.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Hey all! Yup, I'm back and i am dundundun HOSTING A GIVEAWAY!!!!!!! FINALLY! Wooohooo! Yeah, the one that i promised a while ago... Any way, the prizes are really awesome!! A bar of homemade cool mint soap and a cool mint lotion bar. Anyway, to enter is simple,and all you have to do is write a comment saying "I'm in!" or write me a email at Also, forward this to anyone in your email list that you think would be interested in it. Thanks!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Omakayas's week of gifts

Hey all! I am here to say that i am finished with Omakayas week of christmas gifts. It is a full pioneer outfit turned jb.  It is so adorable, i am bursting with anticipation and... a bit of pride. I also made her a little baby sized tote with her name monogrammed on it. And a tiny handkerchief. With her name on it! She always is asking for a napkin or paper towel 'to wipe my face". So it will be perfect! And, of course she will be getting charlotte the little rag doll(tutorial).  So, without further ado, Her new pioneer turned jb outfit!

Tiny drawers! (pioneer underwear)
Baby sized petticoat!
Best of all, the dress! i haven't finished the sleeves, or the neck.I think i will use lace. I made four growth tucks, one for each year she has been with us.
And the bonnet! Yes, it does fit me, she has been wearing mine for the longest time with no problems, so, why not?

Enjoy! I have a feeling two hawks week is going to be really hard though.. i'll keep you up to date!
Much love,

Crane song and the mini jbs


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Beginning our homestead journey: Part two and some christmas gifts

Hey all! So sorry for the delay in posting. This is definitely going to be a long LONG LONG series, longer than Christmas, very sorry;) Also, i just wanted let you know that it hardly ever rains here, it just so happens that our homestead plot is called 'the muddy mongoose'for a reason and it rained three days straight right after i posted. I didnt get any pictures and my tablet broke and we got virtually nothing done and and and.........

So, on to our little Christmas present: A sweet little rag doll! I made her to look like charlotte from little house in the big woods. I have gotten so many ideas from that little( ok,ok, it is a big book...) book, it is insane. Any way, she turned out just how i wanted her to! There are a lot of rag doll tutorials and patterns online, i just made my own. This is kind of a details type tutorial though..

Ok, so start with a cute little pitiful rag doll. Her eyes are already stitched on. They are blue french knots, but use whatever color you like! Also, charm packs from Missouri quilt co are great for rag doll clothes. A skein of yarn for her hair.

Ok, start wrapping your yarn around a book. Cut from book and Add tape on both sides...
And then tape it to a small piece of paper, fold the overlap over, and...
Sew it down the middle! Several seams right on top of each other. Then rip all the paper away!
Sew it on to her head with an embroidery needle.
Trim all stray ends.
Stitch on a mouth using a backstitch.

Add some cute dollie clothes and ta-da!
I think Laura ingals is smiling to see Charlotte recreated, don't you?

Much love and happy thanksgiving,
Crane song and the mini jb's

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Beginning our homestead journey: Part one

Hey guys! Tonight  I have a very exiting thing to tell you: about two months ago, mea and wing feather were given a gift of a small piece of land of wich to run goats, have a large(ish) garden and ( hopefully!!!) have a cow and build a ( quite literally;)) "Human shed":D We are planning to do a brushing run tomorrow, I will take lots of pics to show you guys:) It will be me, wing feather and two hawks for now. Omaki-ki ( short for baby sis Omakayas;)) is too small to walk so far and wouldn't be of much help, so she will stay with mama and dad.

That is all for tonight; tomorrow I might be able to post more. I will continue to post as after as I can till we get to around chiristmastime:D By then we will be closer to having our tiny homestead done. Please give us your prayers and thoughts as we plow through this big journey.

With much love as always,
Crane song and the mini jbs

Thursday, October 30, 2014

I'm back!

Hey there guys! Sorry that I have not posted recently, i just got my tablet back so hopefully i will be able to post more often. Anyhow, aabout a month ago two of our hens, rule and pully, both went broody, in the exact same nest! So now we have 8 lovely chicks.

Today's project is a simple recipe for a fall/ winter ginger candy.
It also has a bonus: you can use the cooking syrup in coffee or tea for a gingery boost, or throw the leftover syrup in your natural medicine kit as a nasea relief syrup.


1 cup sliced ginger, peeled
2 cups water
1 half cup of white sugar,plus 1cup for coating

Peel and slice the ginger. Place in a pot and boil with your water. After it comes to a boil, keep it on the stove and keep it boiling for 25 minutes.
After 25 minutes add one half cup of sugar.  Stir constantly!! Boil for ten more minutes. After ten minutes coat a baking sheet with parchment paper,a silpat, or foil. Coat each well drained piece of ginger in sugar. Then place it on the baking sheet. Let dry. Makes a great candy for sick people.


Much love, crane song and the mini jbs

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Poptarts........ yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love poptarts. Ok, lets be more specific. I love HOMEMADE poptarts. Much better.
But, it took a bit of perfecting to get there. Now I have (drum roll please) THE WORLDS BEST POPTARTS!!!!!!!!!!! They are ooey, gooey and very chewy. Yum. Here is my oh-so-good recipe.


4 cups all porpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
5 tablepoons butter
1 egg white
1 tablespoon vinigar
1 quarter cup water

Mix the flour and butter together with your fingertips. Next, add the egg white, vinagar, and water. Mix . Roll out and cut into a bunch of eaqual size rectangles. They can be big or small.


     1half cup jelly or jam
2ablespoons flour

Put about a tablespoon of filling on a rectangle. Slap on another rectangle and crimp the edges closed.

Bake at 350 for 15 20 mins.

Now you are ready for oven baked yummyness!

 Write me a comment and share my blog. It is a easy way to make my day! Besides, when i have enough followers and pageviews, i am going to do a givaway. So, make sure to visit often!


Monday, July 14, 2014

A late, quick lunch

Mmmmm... I love lunch. A lot. Especially one that is not prepackaged and packed with toxins. So naira and I got to work to make a tasty lunch that was jungleboy friendly and middle eastern inspired.
It consists of pita chips, easy chunky hummus, shredded lettuce and cherry tomatoes.
Here are the recipes.

Pita chips

1 1/2 cups white flour( You can use coconut or almond flour)
1/2 plus a pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
3 tablespoons olive or other healthy oil ( coconut, avocado, ect.)
1/2 cup or as needed water

Start by mixing dry stuff. Mix lukewarm water and oil. Knead oil mixture and dry ingredients together to form a softish dough. Cover and let rise half an hour. Taking a small piece of dough. roll into a ball and flatten with a rolling pin. Place on cookie sheet and bake 8-10 minutes at 425, or till crispy.

Easy chunky hummus

1/2 cup chickpeas
1 teaspoon chili powder
6 tablespoons lemon juice
Sprinkle of salt and curry powder

Mash it all together with a fork till desired consistency. I told you it was easy!!!!

Set out the rest of your food, and serve with earl grey tea and olive oil vinaigrette. Tasty!

Crane song and the mini jbs

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Hi guys!
We have a funny but useful topic today. Have you ever fasted? I did a rice fast twice, but I never did any thing too exotic. But, today all that is going to change. Today I am starting my first smoothie fast! The mangoes are just coming in, and they make a really great smoothie. It is a kind of detox and it feels good so far! I need not give a recipe, it is just any kind of fruit, preferably homegrown, that gets frozen. In the morning just pull them out and shove them in the blender with some lemon juice, water and maple syrup/honey. Yum! You get a one cup serving every meal. You can eat some dried fruit ( 1 or 2 pieces) or a bit of yogurt, but that's it! It cleanses your body of toxins. Oh, and do whatever you can to sweat. Take a hot shower or bath, bundle up at night, walk in the sweltering sun. Try to drink one gallon of cold water per day, and enjoy the fasting feeling!

Much love, 

crane song and the mini jb's

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hi there!

Hi! My name is crane song, and we ( my  brother wing feather and I) are the founders of jungleboy.
If you are wondering just what jungleboy (sometimes shortened as jb) is, it is a small group of kids who (like me and my siblings) enjoy trying to live of the land. That means anything, like trying to grow a garden, make soap and stuff like that.

I hope you follow this blog.


Crane song